14-15 December 2020
Europe/Madrid timezone
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PETALO: Time-of-Flight PET with liquid xenon

15 Dec 2020, 17:15


Talk Main Session 5


Dr. Paola Ferrario (Donostia International Physics Center - Ikerbasque)


Liquid xenon has several attractive features, which make it suitable for applications to nuclear medicine, such as high scintillation yield and fast scintillation decay time. Moreover, being a continuous medium, liquid xenon improves the homogeneity of the detector response.
In this talk, I will describe the PETALO concept (Positron Emission ToF Apparatus with Liquid xenOn), a recent idea for Positron Emission Tomography, which combines liquid xenon scintillating cells and silicon photomultipliers for the readout. I will describe the status of the project, in particular the commissioning of a first prototype, which has the aim of assessing the energy, position and time resolution of the technology.

Primary author

Dr. Paola Ferrario (Donostia International Physics Center - Ikerbasque)

Presentation Materials

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