11-14 December 2018
Campus Burjassot
Europe/Madrid timezone

Generalized Geometry and supersymmetric Sigma-models

11 Dec 2018, 15:00
4-4-4426 - Seminari Física Teòrica (Campus Burjassot)

4-4-4426 - Seminari Física Teòrica

Campus Burjassot



Mr. Javier Orts Romero (IFIC-UV)


Generalized Complex Geometry was introduced by the British mathematician Nigel Hitchin and further developed by his PhD students Gil Cavalcanti and specially Marco Gualtieri. The aim of Generalized Geometry is to combine symplectic and complex geometries in a single structure.
In this talk, I will introduce the basic concepts for this theory and how it arises in a natural way in supersymmetric non-linear Sigma-models.

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